Monday 18 March 2013

Tanmay Jain A2325312003

Sentence structure:

There are three types of sentences namely:-
1.Simple sentence
2.Compound sentence
3.Complex sentence.
4.Compound Complex Sentence.

Simple sentence:- It is the one which has a subject and a predicate.
eg;-I studied english.
Here in the above example"I" is the subject and "studied english" is the predicate.

Compound Sentence: A compound sentence as the name suggests has two parts which are independent of each other but are joined together through the use of conjunctions.
Eg:- Few Amitians  went to Jaipur and they enjoyed their trip thoroughly.
Here in the above example "and" is the conjunction and the two sentences are as follows which are independent of each another.
"Few Amitians went to Jaipur","They enjoyed their trip thoroughly"

Complex Sentence: It is the one in which one part of sentence can stand alone whereas the other one cannot.The part that cannot stand alone is supported by a subordinate conjunction.
Eg:- Since we were tired,we went to sleep.
Here in the above sentence "we went to sleep" can stand alone but the part "since we were tired " cannot stand alone hence it is an example of complex sentence. 

Compound Complex Sentence: This type of sentence has more than one part that can stand alone, and at least one that cannot stand alone. 
Eg:- Since we wanted to utilize our holiday, I along with my family went to the Science centre and we enjoyed a lot. 
 Here in the above example "and " is the conjuction used  
"Since we wanted to utilize our holiady"- the part that cannot stand alone.
"I along with my family" - subject
"went to science center","we enjoyed a lot"- predicate.

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