Friday 15 March 2013

Gursahib SinghA2325312019

                                        Ode to Autumn

According to Keats, Autumn is a season of mists; a cloudlike aggregation of minute globules of water suspended in the atmosphere at or near the earth's surface, reducing visibility to a lesser degree than fog;  and mellow; soft, sweet, and full-flavored from ripeness, as fruit: well-matured, as wines: soft and rich, as sound, tones, color, or light: made gentle and compassionate by age or maturity; softened: friable or loamy, as soil: mildly and pleasantly intoxicated or high: pleasantly agreeable; free from tension, discord, etc.: affably relaxed; easygoing; genial; fruitfulness and a close friend of the maturing sun. It conspires; to agree together, esp. secretly, to do something wrong, evil, or illegal: to act or work together toward the same result or goal: to plot; with him in a unique manner to load and bless with fruits the vines that round the thatch-eaves run; overhanging thatched roofs; To bend with apples the moss’d cottage trees and fill all fruit with ripeness to the core. To swell the gourd and plumb the hazel shells with a sweet kernel; the softer, usually edible part contained in the shell of a nut or the stone of a fruit: the body of a seed within its husk or integuments: a whole seed grain, as of wheat or corn: the pit or seed of a peach, cherry, plum, etc: the central or most important part of anything; essence; gist; core: to set budding more and still even more later flowers for the bees. Until the moment they think warm days will never end; for summer has over-brimmed; the softer, usually edible part contained in the shell of a nut or the stone of a fruit: the body of a seed within its husk or integuments: a whole seed grain, as of wheat or corn: the pit or seed of a peach, cherry, plum, etc: the central or most important part of anything; essence; gist; core: their clammy cells; covered with a cold, sticky moisture; cold and damp: sickly; morbid.                     Who had not seen autumn at the peak of its own season?; autumn is personified and represented as successively identifiable with women working at the granary fields or at a cider press; Sometimes whoever seeks autumn beyond the boundaries of time may find it sitting carelessly on a granary floor; a storehouse or repository for grain, esp. after it has been threshed or husked: a region that produces great quantities of grain; its hair lifted softly by the winnowing wind; to free (grain) from the lighter particles of chaff, dirt, etc., esp. by throwing it into the air and allowing the wind or a forced current of air to blow away impurities: to drive or blow (chaff, dirt, etc.) away by fanning: to blow upon; fan: to subject to some process of separating or distinguishing; analyze critically; sift: to separate or distinguish (valuable from worthless parts) (sometimes fol. by out ): to pursue (a course) with flapping wings in flying: to fan or stir (the air) as with the wings in flying: to free grain from chaff by wind or driven air: to fly with flapping wings; flutter;  or sound asleep in a half reaped furrow.  Drowsed with the fumes of poppies, while its hook spares the next swath and all its twined flowers. Sometimes like a gleaner; to gather slowly and laboriously, bit by bit: to gather (grain or the like) after the reapers or regular gatherers: to learn, discover, or find out, usually little by little or slowly: it does keep steady its laden head across a brook or with a patient look it watches a cyder press the last oozing for the next few hours.               Keats wanders at the whereabouts of the songs of spring yet discourages the readers to think of them for autumn has its own melodies. While the barred clouds; to gather slowly and laboriously, bit by bit: to gather (grain or the like) after the reapers or regular gatherers: to learn, discover, or find out, usually little by little or slowly; bloom the soft dying day and touched the stubble-plains;  Usually, stubbles. The stumps of grain and other stalks left in the ground when the crop is cut: such stumps collectively: any short, rough growth, as of beard; with rosy hue; in a willful choir the small gnats;  Usually, stubbles. The stumps of grain and other stalks left in the ground when the crop is cut: such stumps collectively: any short, rough growth, as of beard; Mourn among the river-sallows; a kind of a broad leaved tree. borne aloft or sinking as the light wind lives or dies. The full grown lambs bleat loudly from the hilly bourn, the hedge cricket sing, the red breast whistles with a treble soft note from a garden croft; a small enclosed area within a garden;  and the gathering swallows twitter in the skies.

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