Saturday, 31 January 2015

We need Belongingness – We are humans(हम सभी को अपनेपन की जरूरत है - हम इंसान हैं)

Each and every human being has got something that always creates a sense of belonging in his or her life.Humans need to feel a sense of belongingness and acceptance no matter what or where.

                                   B:-Being                H:-Humble &
                                   E:- Equally            U:-Utter
                                   L:- Loved              M:-Make
                                   O:-Over                 A:-Any
                                   N:- Nation &          N:-New World
                                   G:- Generation             

           *********We need Belongingness – We are humans**********
Better to join in with humanity than to set ourselves apart.

Belonging is involvement of a relationship, place, family, country, love, culture and faith and for a few folks.Some people spend their whole lives struggling to find a place to belong to, irrespective of its religion, nation, culture, or race.However, I feel that, even though we are born and rooted in a specific family and culture, we come to this Earth to open up to others. We all are here in order to serve them and receive the gifts that they bring to us as well as Humanity.

In a daily life,there are many varieties of Belongingness, I have certain examples to support my idea:-
For the human...By the human...
Child needs Belongingness from their parents,woman need Belongingness from man or her husband. 
All forms of traditions are trial in belonging.To belong to a certain tradition,you have to accept the language and taste of that culture.We cannot work without the help of others, as we are social beings Family, relatives, schools, friends, relationships, societies and work become a part of our lives. 

A Sense Of Belonging Is A Cause Of Many Major Problems In The World. In Most Of The Cases, The Things That Actually Create The Sense Of Belonging Are All Negative Aspects Of Being Human, Some Of Them Are Drug Addictions,  Racism,Alcoholism, And Mental/Physical Afflictions.But Over All These Things Belongingness Is The Virtue Of Attraction By Which One Person Can Count Over The Other.

We all are relational living beings that are supposed to fell a certain level of connection with other human beings al well. We have a major need to be seen, heard, understood, appreciated by others and, in effect, to feel welcome and to feel like we BELONG....!!!!!
हम सभी को अपनेपन की जरूरत है - हम इंसान हैं
Desire for closeness and bonding for others results in the foundation of family and social relation that bring new members of the species into the world and nurture and support them on an on-going basis.

My article is to lighten the cause that until and unless we get attached to a group, unless we get identify ourselves with one, we can not live the way we are supposed to live.We do require that outer validation to exist, also a stranger never belongs to any group.

With Regards
Rohit Chaudhary

Friday, 30 January 2015


I remember the day when I left home for delhi.Throughout the journey the sad feelings of missing my home and family gripped me.Thebelonginess was leaving me with every distance the train covered.I was uneasy about the new world.It was altogether a different world for me.The new world offered cold shoulder until I found the friends of life.I felt the same belonginess which left me few times ago.So,I consider belonginess as an important asset of life.

Belomginess in theoretical terms may be defined as “Belongingness is the human emotional need to be an accepted member of a group. Whether it is family, friends, co-workers, or a sports team, humans have an inherent desire to belong and be an important part of something greater than themselves.”

Belonginess is the basic survival need for a human which keeps the life cycle moving in a healthy state.However,the fact about belonginess in the real world is no bread and butter.The definition of belonginess applies only to a small niche.Thebelonginess is limited only to the family members or a group of individuals.Rather than embracing the whole world as our close ones,we embrace only ourselves and our dear ones.This is the reason why belonginess is most needful aspect in today's scenario.It becomes more important with the increasing violence in every corner be it terrorist attacks,smuggling,rape,murder or any other crimes.These happenings has made the world a harder place to survive.

I remember a line from a popular American liberty song which I would like to quote here is "UNITED WE STAND,DIVIDED WE FALL".This quote has a symbolic representation of togetherness and belonginess among humans.Humans have been categorized as a social animal but the social behavior which can be seen around is not what is expected.I feel the world is struck by a virus,a communicable virus.The names of the virus are many-Jealousy,ego,revenge,anger and many more.The only medicine to this virus is love and belonginess.These cannot be manufactured but can only be realized.As an evolved species,we are responsible for the good and bad which happens to this world.We bond ourselves with others on the basis of friendship or blood relationship but not as humans.However,this bonding as humans is what's required from our part.

I would conclude my article by stating that the ultimate realization of our existence would be when we learn that we belong to each other.We represent humanity.We are only one of our kind in this universe.The day we realize belonginess for each other would be the day when the war for land and boundary ends.When the war based on caste,colour,creedends.That ultimate day would be the day when we can proudly call ouselves as HUMANS.



class proceedings

The third social communication class was held on 19th Jan 2015. The topic majorly discussed was resumé.

A resumé is a document containing all the important basic information about an individual. it is the very first formality required by a company so as to call the person for an interview.

The basic elements which a resumé must contain,and the format of the same was discussed by Parveen Sir.

Following the topic discussed in class,every student is required to make an audio resumé which will be evaluated. Also, a presentation with discriptive resumé is to be done in groups.

It is mandatory for all to create LinkedIn accounts.

An emphasis was thrown on online certificate courses. At least one such course is compulsory for every student.

by :- Dhruv Nangia 

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum: Home to the best motorcycle collection in the world

Adventure junkies visit places where they can jump off a plane and take a feel of how it feels when you are about to die. The more naughty, pot bellied types are on a constant hunt to find cheap air tickets to Bangkok, while visiting Amsterdam or the Sin City is on their bucket list. Women dream of spending their entire life shopping at the Portobello Street, closer home, they might even spend an entire day at Fashion Street, hunting for a hair-clip which made an appearance in their dream.

Some travel across the globe to find their gods, restore their faith and worship the almighty. For some, motorcycling is a religion and no other god is bigger than the god of speed, a god who only accepts his offerings in the form of a fast travelling machine. These saints can meditate for centuries on the saddle, making saddle sore appear like a joke. What happens if such species are let loose in an enclosed space, which houses the best and perhaps the largest collection of motorcycles in the world.

The Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum is home to the world’s best motorcycle collection and has over 1200 vintage and modern motorcycles and racecars in their inventory. They also have the largest collection of Lotus cars as well as other significant makes. There are approximately 600 of the 1200 motorcycles on display at any given time and bikes range from 1902 to current-year production. The collection boasts of bikes from over 20 countries representing 200 different manufacturers and bikes have been purchased from as far away as Australia, New Zealand, and Sweden, but also as close as down the street. The museum displays common street bikes as well as rare one-off Gran Prix race machinery. The Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum is located at the 830 acre Barber Motorsports Park, which also includes a world class 2.38 mile racetrack.

If you ever have to make the pilgrimage, below is the address:
6040 Barber Motorsports Parkway,
Birmingham, AL 35094,
United States

Sunday, 25 January 2015

Should Military Training Be Made Compulsory In India???

I Had Attended A 5 Days MILITARY TRAINING CAMP,Here Is The Speech Of The Debate In Which I Had Participated.

Hello And Good Morning To One And All Present Here.....
Respected Major General G.S Bal,Faculty Co-ordinators,Instructors and my dear friends.
On behalf of Platoon No 2,myself Rohit Chaudhary is here before you to speak for the topic "Should Military Training Be Made Compulsory In India ?"

Military training should absolutely be made mandatory in India.Everyone enjoys the benefit of living in a country where people are risking their lives to save them.
It would teach much needed responsibilities and sacrifice to our youth. Military training teaches some of the good qualities to our youth.It will make them punctual,obedient,hard working and patriotic which is much required.They will know how to obey and how to command.

Compulsory military training not only makes youth healthy,but also helps in inculcating discipline and getting rid of drug addiction.
It would be ideal if some period between completing education and joining employment is devoted to military service.Besides being a means of remaining active and fit,it can also be useful for self defence.
It is well known discipline is necessary for success and achieving goals.This military training will develop a trained and better organised youth which will yield better results in all the fields.

The training should include basic knowledge of arms,survival during critical situations and escape procedures during disasters.
I have certain facts to support my idea,In the IDO-PAK war of 1965 when forces were in need of resupply.A bunch of motivated youth n the form of civil defence rendered their in maintaining the law and order.
Providing basic military training to youth will result in a better and well motivated youth which can serve the country at the time of requirement.This will definitely help in motivating the youth in the armed forces who are in real need of youth in all the ranks.

At the end i would say....

Sare jahan se accha hindostan hamara
Hum bulbulain hai iss ki yeh gulsitan hamara

      *******Jai Hind*********

Saturday, 24 January 2015

6 Higest-Paid Executives At Apple

1. Tim Cook, CEO

Apple Inc CEO Tim Cook made $9,222,638 in 2014, more than double what he pulled in the year before. None of Cook's stock vested this year, but in 2011 he was awarded about $376 million in restricted stock units that will turn into shares he can sell over the next decade.

2. Luca Maestri, SVP and CFO

Luca Maestri joined Apple in 2013 and was promoted to CFO last year. He made over $14 million in 2014. His pay from 2012 and 2013 is omitted because he wasn't an executive officer then.

3. Peter Oppenheimer, former CFO

Peter Oppenheimer was Apple's CFO before announcing he would retire last March. Luca Maestri assumed Oppenheimer's role last year. Oppenheimer made $4.5 million last year, a paltry sum compared to the nearly $68.6 million he pulled in in 2012.

4. Angela Ahrendts, SVP of retail and online stores

Angela Ahrendts made $73.3 million in 2014, most of it in Apple stock. Apple said Ahrendts' stock package was based on her high salary and unvested equity at Burberry, where she was CEO before coming to Apple last May. Her pay from 2012 and 2013 is omitted because she wasn't working for Apple then.

5. Eddy Cue, SVP of Internet Software and Services

Eddy Cue pulled in a neat $24.4 million in 2014, most of it from a $20 million stock award. Cue didn't have any stock awards in 2013 but was given $50 million in Apple shares in 2012.

6. Jeff Williams, SVP of Operations

Jeff Williams is Tim Cook's right-hand man at Apple. Williams also received a $20 million stock award last year, bringing his total pay to around $24.4 million.

by:- Akshay chaudhary 

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

CORRECTED- White Tiger No Man-Eater: Delhi Zoo

White Tiger No Man-Eater: Delhi Zoo

A man has been mauled to death by a White Tiger at a New Delhi zoo 

The tiger was not to blame for the incident.

Tigers Are Endangered Animals. They Should Be Given Special Protection. Poachers And Hunters Should Be Prosecuted. The Best Way To Help Tigers Is To Protect Their Natural Habitats. Human Interference Is Also Harmful For Their Survival.
Tiger Is One Of The Most Beautiful Animals. It Is Also Our National Animal.

The Tiger Was Just Being A Tiger.
An Unusual Object Fell Into His Domain He's a Wild Animal In Captivity. It Is Certainly Not The Tiger's Fault.
Why blaming tiger...If Someone Knows About White Tigers They Must Know That They Are Not Hunters...They Don't Have The Ability To Survive In Jungles That's Why They R Found In Zoos...But If U Provoke Even A Human Child He Will React Aggressively... Then Why Not A Tiger .

Save The Nature,Otherwise No One Can Save Us From Nature.
Misunderstanding Between The Tiger And The Kid Lead To This Incident. The Tiger Tried To Shake Hands But The Boy Did Not Recognize The Gesture. The Boy Saluted Namaste But The Tiger Did Not Understand.People Are Chanting And Shouting At The Tiger To Not Bite And Go Away,But The Tiger Could Not Understand What They Were saying. All The Boy Wanted Was To Be Friend With the Tiger.. Misunderstading Can Be Dangerous..Everyone Was Pelting Stones And Making Noises To Divert The Tiger.
Tiger Kills A Man Who Voluntarily Jumped Inside A Fence,And People Started Shouting And Throwing Stones On Tiger...It Became A Shocking News.
And Man Kills 100s Of Tiger Every Year For Body Parts And All..No Such News.

Sometimes It Really Feel Bad For Those Tigers, Who Killed By Human Beings Only Because Of Money.
Each And Every Person Will Be Punished By Nature Who Are Responsible For Ruining The Nature.

Both Humans And Animals Have The Right To Live... Nobody Has To Blame Anyone.. It Was The Mistake Of That Human Who Entered Into Its Cage.... There Was Not A Single Mistake Of Tiger....
If You Cant Take Care Of These Tigers Or Any Animals, Then Don't Even Try To Lock Them In To Zoo, Let Them Live In Jungle, Where They Belong. If Human Don't Have Rights To Kill Human, Then They Don't Have Rights To Kill The Animal, Which Is Important Part Of Our Nature.

Stop Killing Tigers Be Humans For A Change
We Are Now Feeling Sad About That Single Man, Who Got Killed By This Tiger, But We Don't Have Feelings About Those Many Tigers Who Got Killed Every Year By Cruel Humans.That Man Made Mistake Not The Tiger. And The Zoo Keepers made The Mistake If Trapping That Tiger. The Tiger showed his true colour and this is the only lesson to the Humanity.
So don't ever think of killing the Tiger. If you kill one they will kill 100s. Keep this in mind.

Save The Nature,Otherwise No One Can Save Us From Nature.

Sign This Petition To Save The Tiger Who Wasn't -Isn't Faulty.

Thank You

With Regards,

Rohit Chaudhary
(A Generous Act.A Benefited Life)

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Karma Theory Always Work...Be Careful About Your Actions

What is Karma?

Karma is the Sanskrit word for action.
It is equivalent to Newton’s law of ‘every action must have a reaction’. When we think, speak or act we initiate a force that will react accordingly. This returning force maybe modified, changed or suspended, but most people will not be able eradicate it. A person may not escape the consequences of his actions, but he will suffer only if he himself has made the conditions ripe for his suffering. Ignorance of the law is no excuse whether the laws are man-made or universal. To stop being afraid and to start being empowered in the worlds of karma and reincarnation, here is what you need to know about karmic laws.

THE GREAT LAW - "As you sow, so shall you reap". This is also known as the "Law of Cause and Effect". - Whatever we put out in the Universe is what comes back to us. - If what we want is Happiness, Peace, Love, Friendship... Then we should BE Happy, Peaceful, Loving and a True Friend. Read more at: Follow us on Facebook:
Just as the "Law of Gravity" always works to pull things toward the Earth, these "Laws of Karma" apply to all equally, no exceptions. The universe is neutral: there are no favorite ones, there are no cursed ones, there are only divine beings created by God and all these divine beings are loved by God equally, deeply, and completely.  

The most terrible truth that anyone will ever learn while they are on Earth is… that they agreed to come here and to experience all that has, is, and will happen to them. The universe operates under this simple rule: all that happens is by prior agreement based on karmic justice between all the parties involved to balance past karma. 

We reincarnate to learn what is and is not like love. In the worlds of duality, we learn from experiencing polar opposites: "good-bad", "problem-solution", etc until we evolve into divine love, joy, and awareness. We walk the divine circle - where there is no saint without a past and no sinner without a future - until we learn our lessons.    

What you have done unto others in past lives or in this one (cause), weaves the karmic agreement of your present and future (effect). Consciously acting from loving kindness    to yourself and others instantly reweaves the present and future karmic agreements into greater pathways of empowerment and unfoldment.

The point of learning lessons is to achieve balance. Imbalances drive your personal cycle of reincarnation. "What you bring hate to, you reincarnate to" is how balance is achieved. For you can only truly understand a thing when you become that thing and cease to judge it, cherish unloving opinions, or harbor unrealistic expectations about it.     

Your consistently repeated thoughts packed with your consistently felt emotions become magnetized and attract similar thoughts packed with emotions to manifest your desires into reality. Whatever thoughts and emotions you focus on the most - with the most intensity and the most time - whether intentionally or unintentionally, becomes your belief-karma. The more you invest in them with your focus, the stronger they become. Your belief-karma generates your thoughts, forms your attitudes, guides your actions, and creates your results. 

You connect with the people, opportunities, and events necessary to manifest your desires if you allow, believe, and expect it will happen for you. Allowing means you open yourself to let manifestation flow to you by believing what you need to manifest your desires will come to you and by expecting if-when you take consistent and appropriate actions your desires will manifest into reality as you have asked.  

Since everything in the universe is energy, the universe is always expanding from lower to higher vibrational states. Change and growth are inevitable because energy is    always expanding. The universe expands through chaos, reorganization, and order in an endless cycle of change and growth to create continuous improvement. 

Your internal map of reality is always changing to reflect your personal state of learning and growth. Your map of reality is always being refined into greater levels of truth as your consciousness unfolds.Unfoldment is a gradual process so that you can learn life lessons at your own pace as you reincarnate through time.    

If you "let whatever happens be ok", you are accepting the "default" pattern of karma. Empowerment comes from a conscious decision to take control of karma by accepting absolute and total responsibility for your life and by always consciously acting with loving kindness. 

There is no end to the joy you can experience or to what you can create. For all the power to get what you want comes from within you. Every moment brings with it new possibilities and opportunities for action. Whatever you can dream, you can do, be, or have in the universe of all possibilities... this is your birthright as a divine being.  

Karma begins and ends with love. Karma was created to propel you as Soul on a personal journey of reincarnation through the universe. Karma ends when you have perfected yourself in your ability to love unconditionally. The sole purpose of karma and reincarnation is to bring us all to a state of divine love, joy, and awareness.  

Where To Work To Get The Best Salary.

A quick look at where to get the most pay for different jobs....!!!!!

Welcome to my blog,according to the latest survey by Mercer the salaries of employees around 70 countries are compaired in the world.

If money is the main priority, here’s a quick look at which jobs offer the most lucrative take-home pay and where to find them.


High-ranking roles, such as heads of departments in large companies, heads of functions in smaller companies and upper-level professionals, command the highest pay package

1. Angola
Annual salary: $226,594 (Dh832,279)
Monthly salary: Dh69,356
2. United Arab Emirates
Annual salary: $167,900 (Dh616,696)
Monthly salary: Dh51,391
3. Switzerland
Annual salary: $156,971 (Dh575,570)
Monthly salary: Dh48,047


Account managers, chief engineers and department managers of customer service and office administration rank second in the pay scale, receiving as much as nearly half a million dirhams a year on average.

Annual salary: $139,287 (Dh 511,601)
Monthly salary: Dh42,633
Annual salary: $121,358 (Dh445,760)
Monthly salary: Dh37,146
Annual salary:$113,231 (Dh415,908)
Monthly salary: Dh34,659


Senior engineers, sales representatives and supervisors may take home an annual salary of nearly Dh400,000. For those who are looking for the biggest remuneration, it may be worth heading over to Switzerland.

1. Switzerland
Annual salary: $103,849 (Dh 381,447)
Monthly salary: Dh31,787
2. Angola
Annual salary: $98,396 (Dh361,408)
Monthly salary: Dh30,117
3. UAE
Annual salary: $76,362 (Dh280,485)
Monthly salary: Dh23,373


Next on the list are analysts, planners, client support, entry-level engineers and programmers, which can come with a compensation package of more than Dh300,000 a year in some job markets.

1. Switzerland
Annual salary: $88,991 (Dh326,863)
Monthly salary: Dh27,238
2. Norway
Annual salary: 63929 (Dh234,811)
Monthly salary: Dh19,567
Annual salary: $58,803 (Dh215,983)
Monthly salary: Dh17,998


Technicians, administrative and secretarial staff, as well as sales representatives, who don’t have supervisory responsibilities can bring home net earnings worth nearly Dh300,000. The best-paid employees holding any of these positions are still found in Switzerland. But other countries, such as Norway and Australia, may not be bad choices, either.

Annual salary: $ 76,182 (Dh279,816)
Monthly salary:Dh23,318
Annual salary: $55,222 (Dh202,830)
Monthly salary: Dh16,902
Annual salary: $48,189 (Dh176,998)
Monthly salary: Dh14,749


At the bottom of the pay scale are general para-professionals, such as machine operators and lower-level clerical positions. They may be working in different occupational fields like engineering, health care or law but don’t necessarily have the authority or professional licenser. 

Annual salary: $65,651 (Dh241,136)
Monthly salary: Dh20,094
Annual salary: $47,793 (Dh175,548)
Monthly salary: Dh14,629
Annual salary: $40,003 (Dh146,931)
Monthly salary: Dh12,244

Dh - Dirham

1 Dirham=16.37 INR= 0.27 USD

  • By Cleofe Maceda, Senior Web Reporter
  • Published: 11:22 July 14, 2014

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Upcoming Bentley luxury SUV named Bentayga, teaser released

Luxury car maker Bentley has officially revealed the name of its SUV that would be revealed later this year. This upcoming luxury SUV will be called as Bentley Bentayga. This SUV will be able to introduce Bentley’s modern British luxury to limitless destinations with an impressive combination of on and off road performance.

The natural world, along with the company’s founder, inspired its name. Crowning the Northern Hemisphere, to the north of Bentley’s birthplace in England, is the dramatic beauty of the Taiga, the world’s largest transcontinental snowforest. To the south, the rugged peak of the Roque Bentayga in the subtropical Canary Islands draws attention from all directions and a challenging climb rewards with spectacular panoramic views of a rich and diverse landscape.
Speaking about the Bentayga, Wolfgang Dürheimer, Chairman and CEO of Bentley Motors, said, “Bentayga is a name that reflects what we know our SUV will do better than any other car in the world – combine the best automotive luxury with outstanding performance to take the Bentley experience to new environments.”
The new Bentley Bentayga will be revealed later in 2015, and go on sale in 2016.
Stay tuned to Motoroids for more updates from the motoring industry

Saturday, 17 January 2015

NAIAS (Detroit) 2015: Volkswagen Cross Coupe GTE Concept

The 2015 North American International Motor Show in Detroit saw Volkswagen debut its Cross Coupe GTE Concept. The Cross Coupe GTE is the third concept from Volkswagen previewing its upcoming , 7 -seat, production crossover, and as such it bears a resemblance to the original CrossBlue and the CrossBlue Coupe shown at the 2013 Los Angeles show.

In its third iteration, the front end gives a better idea of what to expect from the production seven-seater when it commences production at VW’s Chattanooga plant by the end of 2016. The imposing, twin slat grille is flanked by slim all-LED illumination, while the concept’s overhangs give it off-road-worthy ramp break-over, approach, and departure angles. Aggressive front bumper work reminisces the Mercedes-AMG style, while at the back there are Volvo-style horizontal taillights and a skid-plate with an integrated diffuser. The crossover rides on 22-inch alloy wheels wrapped in 285/40-size tires.

The interiors of the Cross Coupe GTE also previews VW’s future design language, and draws inspiration from the German Bauhaus design movement. Like on the Gold R Touch concept showcased at CES 2015, nearly all controls are implemented via touchscreens and sensor switches. While the center console is dominated by a large 10.1-inch touchscreen, the conventional instrument cluster goes for a toss and has also been replaced by another 12.3-inch screen with 1440×540 pixel resolution, which Volkswagen calls the Active Info Display.

The gesture control functionality from the Golf R Touch has also been implemented here, with proximity sensors placed in the cabin to pick up specific movements. For example, passengers can swipe through the air to browse and play songs. Depending on the driving profile selected (Snow, Sport, On-Road, or Off-Road), the look of the screen and graphics will change. Navigation can be displayed in two or three dimensions. With the 3D view selected, three or more maps can float above one another, each showing something different — from Points of Interest to directions to altitude. The instrument display is a 12.3-inch screen , and graphics that change depending on mode selected.

Friday, 16 January 2015

Rolls-Royce Ghost Series II launched in New Delhi

Following the launch of Ghost Series II in Mumbai last November, Rolls-Royce rolled into the Indian capital last evening and received a gala reception at The Grand New Delhi. The event was attended by Delhi’s A-listers in the corporate fraternity and society. It also witnessed, one of the first and the youngest owner of the Ghost Series II, Paras Gupta, Director Mothers Pride, from New Delhi, felicitated by the Rolls-Royce Motor Cars team at the event. The Series II retails INR Rs 4.5 crore (ex-showroom India).
Mechanically, the Ghost Series II remains similar to the outgoing version. So, the Ghost Series II comes with a 6.6-litre twin turbocharged V12 engine that puts out 563 bhp of power and 780 Nm of torque. The V12 is mated to the same 8-speed ZF automatic transmission that was found on the previous model. This ultra-luxury car accelerates from naught to 60 mph in 4.9 sec (0-100 km/h 5.0 sec) and has a governed top speed of 155 mph / 250 kph. Rolls Royce has also equipped the Ghost Series II with new rear axle bearings, revised struts and wheel dampers.


  • A contemporary re-imagining of Ghost’s front face, re-engineered and re-designed LED headlights are framed by day-time running lights.
  • Revised surface treatments including re-sculptured bumpers that present a wider, more dynamic stance.
  • A new bonnet design featuring tapered ‘wake channel’ emanating from the Spirit of Ecstasy that hints at Ghost Series II’s dynamism.
  • The waft line leans further forwards, giving further expression to Ghost’s dynamic driving experience.
  • New paint and wheel options giving customers greater scope for Bespoke personalization.
Interior design

  • Re-designed front seats include electronically adjustable thigh supports and depth adjustment. Rear seats have been subtly re-angled to augment effortless communication with fellow passengers.
  • The clock fascia and instrument dials are enhanced with the addition of polished metal chaplets that evoke premium watch design.
  • Option of extending natural grain leather to the A and C pillars.
  • The scope for Bespoke customisation is extended with the introduction of two new, exquisitely crafted veneers: Paldao and Walnut Burr Crossband.
Technological and engineering enhancements

  • Re-designed LED headlights incorporating the latest technologies. A whiter, brighter light augments driver safety whilst electronic reflectors move in the direction of travel in response to steering-wheel turns. New anti-glare technology deflects light when a car approaches in the other direction, giving Ghost Series II drivers the benefit of full-beam headlights at all times.
  • Suspension enhancements include re-engineered front and rear struts, new steering gear and adjusted dampers that increase the car’s cornering ability when the Dynamic Driving Package is specified.
  • New hydraulic rear axle bearings enhance ride quality and rear stability whilst reducing vibrations and cabin intrusions.
  • All Ghost Series II motor cars feature Satellite Aided Transmission as standard – a technology that utilizes GPS and mapping data to ensure the car is always in the correct gear when negotiating turns, motorway exists and roundabouts.
Technical Specifications:
V12 48-valves
563 bhp
780 Nm
ZF 8HP90
5399mm (Standard)5569mm (Extended Wheelbase)
3295mm (Standard)3465mm (Extended Wheelbase)
Turning Circle
14 meters
Boot Space
490 litres
Fuel Tank Capacity
82.5 litres
Claimed Fuel Consumption
21.4 litres/100 kms
9.8 litres/100 kms