Sunday 29 March 2015

Telephonic Etiquette

Most people who use the phone don't think too much about phone etiquette. Yet, it's very important that people get acquainted with basic phone etiquette to ensure a smooth and nice conversation. Sometimes, people can get angry because the other party doesn't practice any phone etiquette. Here are some tips for developing home phone etiquette, work phone etiquette, and cell phone etiquette. Although email and instant messaging are quickly becoming standard forms of office communication, the telephone still plays an important role in business. Just like a face-to-face meeting, telephone conversations are expected to and should follow certain rules of etiquette to help make the experience pleasant and productive for all those involved. It's easy to forgo manners when talking over the phone. Distractions abound, from impromptu meetings or email notifications blinking on your computer screen. Remember that a conversation over the phone carries just as much weight as a face-to-face meeting, as it is a great opportunity to communicate in real time

Home Phone Etiquette

·Generally, phone calls should not be made before 7:00am and after 10:00pm.

·In case you dial a wrong number, don't forget to apologize.

·When the maid picks up the phone on behalf of the members of the family, she should respond by saying – "Mrs X is not at home, May I take a message?" It is recommended that she takes the number of the caller too.

·Your answering machine message in your absence should preferably mention a phone number where you can be contacted. This could be an emergency!

·If you will be receiving a call at a very early or very late time of day, let your housemates know so they will be prepared for the phone ringing.

·Avoid long phone conversations when you know someone else is waiting for a call, or needs to use the phone

Work Phone Etiquette

·Clear your mind from all tasks at hand and respond sincerely to the caller.

·Prepare yourself for the phone call before speaking.

·Be sure to respond by the third ring.

·Greet and speak to the caller respectfully.

·Speak in a clear, soft presentable tone, moderate speed, and volume.

·In case you don't have the information the caller wants, pass the phone call to the correct person and ensure that the query has been resolved. Alternatively, you can simply take the call back and give the person a time frame in which you will respond to the query.

·Switch off the monitor of your computer.

·Do not eat or chew something in your mouth.

·Smile before taking the call, this allows you to be more amicable.

·Never use the phrases I Don't Know, I Can't Do That, You Have To, Just a Second, and No.

·While leaving a professional message, always leave the phone/cell phone number where you can be reached.

·Keep a pen and a paper handy so that certain important details can be noted down.

·If you receive a call from home and you are not on a break, keep it short, and resume your work.

·For conference calls, make a call from a location that is quiet, identify yourself, and avoid putting it on hold for any reason. Don't indulge in casual conversations with the others, and wait till you are greeted personally.

Cell Phone Etiquette

·While in movie theatres, you should either turn off mobile phone or keep it on silent mode.

·While spending some time with your family at a public place, don't talk on the cell phone.

·While attending an evening party, turning off your mobile phone is advisable. In case you are waiting for an important call, don't forget to let your host know about it.

·Cell phones should strictly not be used while you are driving.

·If your cell phone rings while you are talking to someone, take the call only if it is important and excuse yourself for the duration of the call.

·While talking to someone during such an occasion, you should not send text messages.

·If you must take a call while in public, avoid loud places, and try to find a quiet secluded place to speak on the phone.

·Avoid using your phone in the restroom.

·Use appropriate volume when speaking on the phone, everyone around you does not need to hear your conversation.

·Avoid using your phone while paying for things in person. It is impolite to the cashier, and you may miss something important, like an incorrect charge or order.

·Try to remain aware of your surroundings while on the phone, especially when texting, you don't want to run/walk into anything.

·Avoid excessively loud or annoying ring-tones, they can be very disruptive or aggravating to those around you.

·Be aware of your language while in public, yelling, rude language and profanity may be inappropriate and offensive to those within earshot.

Your own voice mail

If you have to leave a message or voice mail for someone, make it short and to the point. Speak clearly and slowly and leave your name, phone number, and a brief message. Say your name and number at the beginning and again at the end of the message, especially if you don't know the person you're calling. If the voice mail system allows you to play back your message, consider taking advantage of that feature to make sure your message is clear and communicates your needs.

Returning messages promptly is always appreciated. It's customary to return telephone calls within 24 hours. If you cannot attend to the caller's needs within that time, briefly phone the person to say when you will be available.
The message you leave as your outgoing message is an important business tool. Information is critical. The best messages communicate several key things to the person calling you: your name, the organization and/or group you're in, the current date (this tells them you are checking your messages), whether you are in the office or not that day, when to expect a call back, whom to contact if the call is urgent, and how to get to that person.

This seems like an enormous burden, but it just requires a little discipline first thing every morning or last thing every night. If you've ever called someone and gotten a generic voicemail, you know how disconcerting it can be. Is the person on vacation? Will I get a call back? When? So it's especially important for people who travel frequently to attend to outgoing messages.

Of course, you can simplify the approach and perhaps change your message once a week providing an update of the days you'll be out of the office that week. Any useful information in your outgoing message will make your caller feel more comfortable that the message is important and you will respond. Be sure to respond.


Telephone etiquettes are not rules but they help form better relationships with colleagues, clients, family members, friends, neighbors, and even strangers! .Good cellphone etiquette is similar to common courtesy. Conversations and text exchanges have a tendency to distract people from what's happening in front of them. Cellphone users should be thoughtful, courteous and respect the people around them.

 Aggam Jain
 Abhishek Godara
 Adesh Kumar
 Joseph Akhil Sebastian

Tuesday 24 March 2015

WORK PLACE ETIQUETTE:Minding your manners in the workplace

It's been said that good manners will open doors that the best education cannot. A recent survey by OfficeTeam found that 80 percent of executives say clothing affects an employee's chances of earning a promotion. In a separate survey, the company also found that nearly 40 percent of managers do not respond favorably to social media "friend" requests from employees while 46 percent aren't keen on connecting with their boss on social media.
But leading the way in terms of contributing to poor form in the work place — and not all that surprisingly — is the inappropriate use of technology. In fact, a recent study by Robert Half Technology found that 64 percent of surveyed CIOs said the increase use of mobile devices, including cell phones and tablets, has led to a significant increase in breaches of workplace etiquette.
Because it's statistically important to Bring Your Manners to Work every day, The Protocol of workplace :
* Don't cell yell. People tend to speak three times louder on a cell phone than in person. Mind your volume.
* Do respect people's personal space while on the phone. A ‘safe cell distance' is considered to be 10 feet.
* Don't check your phone during meals and meetings. Instead keep phones off or on vibrate and pay attention to and engage those around you.
* Do dress appropriately for the work place. In other words, save the see-through dresses, sandals with socks, Lycra bike shorts, muscle shirts, and plunging necklines for other occasions.
* Don't "borrow" from other people's desks or (dare I even say it) lunches without permission.
* Do clean up your messes, be it in the kitchen or at the copier, don't expect others to clean up after you.
* Don't gossip. Over-sharing about your own personal life should also be avoided.
* Do be on time to meetings, conference calls, and appointments.
* Don't sink to someone else's standards. Just because coworkers behave badly is not a reason for you to follow suit. Always keep your poise and do the right thing, even if you're doing it alone. It matters and will be noticed.
If a coworker's behavior is infringing upon your ability to perform your job well, address it directly with the individual.
Clearly state how their behavior is impacting you, and, perhaps, others. Kindly request a change of behavior emphasizing how everyone could benefit from it. If the problem persists and is truly more than a mere annoyance, then bring it to the attention of your supervisor.
On the other hand, if a change happens, by all means be sure to say "thank you."
Abhishek kaushik (A2325312028)(GP)
Amandeep Sura(A2325312018)
Jatin Vadhera(A2325312024)
Manpreet Singh (A2325312013)


When I hear the word android,the first word which comes to my mind are the “APPS”.Apps truly have played an important role in customizing our lives from simple to a hi-tech one.All those mythical technologies from the Hollywood movies have been trying to prove their existence through the apps and the ultimate benifeciaries of these developments is the common man.

If we go by the wikipedian definition , then“Android is a mobile operating system (OS) based on the Linux kernel and currently developed by Google. With a user interface based on direct manipulation, Android is designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphonesand tablet computers, with specialized user interfaces for televisions (Android TV), cars (Android Auto), and wrist watches (Android Wear). The OS uses touch inputs that loosely correspond to real-world actions, like swiping, tapping, pinching, and reverse pinching to manipulate on-screen objects, and a virtual keyboard. Despite being primarily designed for touchscreen input, it also has been used in game consoles, digital cameras, regular PCs (e.g. the HP Slate 21) and other electronics”.

A revolutionary invention on its own,android has been a great companion of people around the world since its introduction into the market.An operating system handy and easy to use than any other os has shaped our lives in a new set of style.Every activity of today’s world is possible through a single login of an app created for a specific purpose.From bill payment to shopping,from travel booking to enquiries every second activity is minimized into an app.All you have to do is log in and just sit and complete the easy steps.That’s it,you are done.Simple has got simpler.The best thing about an android phone is that it comes from varying range of prices that any middle class can afford.

Summing up the article I would like to conclude by being hopefull for more future developments so that the lags in android is overcomed and it becomes more user friendly.
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By:- Akash Kumar Sahu(A2305412272)

        Kunal Sharma(A2305412275)

       Ayush Awasthi(A2305412273)

       Ankit Antil(A2305412296)



Etiquette is defined by Merriam Webster as: “the conduct or procedure required by good breeding or prescribed by authority to be observed in social or official life.” “Social and official life” applies not only to face-to-face interaction, but to our online interactions as well.
Having proper etiquette on the social web means being aware of your audience, understanding how they communicate and being a valuable, welcome and positive contributor to the community. It is all about how you should conduct yourself while engaging across the social web. It’s about using good common sense, being yourself and acting like you would if you were having these interactions face to face.

There are three main benefits to exhibiting proper etiquette that we will highlight and review.
They are:
• Reciprocation
• Respect
• Reliability
Reciprocation: Simply put, it’s about give and take. You do not want to be known as someone who spends all their time online promoting themselves. Whether you use social media personally or professionally, you will want to make sure you are not solely sharing your content.
Respect: Following proper etiquette can earn us the respect of our peers and community members. Think back to the golden rule; treat others the way you would like to be treated. Being polite and kind to others shows that you value them and people appreciate being valued. People will respect you for the way you behave online, and with respect comes trust. Keep in mind that respect is earned and not always given lightly. A few kind interactions are not all that is required. It is based on consistent behaviour.
Reliability: Build relationships across your social networks before you actually need them. When you do this, you will have a community that you can rely on and your community members will know that they can rely on you too. Your community will learn that they can expect the right behavior from you at all times.

Hello and Goodbye - There are some basics everyone should know for interacting across the social web and they aren’t all that much different from interacting offline. For example, on a real-time platform like Twitter it might be a good idea to say hello and goodbye. Saying hello when you jump online is a nice way to start your daily time online and encourage conversation. Saying goodbye at the end of your time online lets people know when you’re heading offline. No one likes to be left hanging in the middle of a conversation.
Introductions – Introduce yourself and introduce others. Anytime you friend, follow or engage with people who may not know you, it is always a good idea to introduce yourself and share some of the basics like who you are and where you are from.
Start with a simple hello, who you are and where you are at geographically. If you are connecting for business purposes, be clear about that and add what you do. If you are connecting on a personal level add a little about the interests you share. Introducing yourself helps to break the ice and open the door to conversation.
Please and Thank You - Say please and thank you. If you want to share content ask politely. If someone has shared yours be sure to thank them whenever possible. Though you may not be able to respond to every comment on your blog or Facebook page, you can take a moment to respond to a few and perhaps make a general statement thanking everyone who shared your content.
Cliques - If your social circle online is a large one, there are probably people in it that you don’t know as well as others or not at all. Review your friends/follower lists frequently. Set some time aside each week to manage your following/follower ratio. It’s ok to step outside your comfort zone and expand your horizons when it comes to connecting. Not everyone you connect with has to be like-minded. Diversity breeds inspiration.
The Three Ds
No one wants to get a call from the company legal department letting them know something they shared online got them into a heap of trouble. Whether you are using social media for personal or professional purposes, take some time to familiarize yourself with The Three Ds.
Disclosure: Do not disclose trade secrets or intellectual property (yours or your clients’). It’s safe to say it would be in bad form to have an online discussion about what goes on behind closed doors at your company. Not only could it cost you your job but it could actually give your company’s competitors an unfair advantage.
Defamation: Do not make statements about someone that are false and could potentially cause economic consequences. If you do, you may find yourself facing a judge. Social media enthusiasts are not exempt from the general laws of libel and privacy.
Discrimination: Do not make rude statements about any of the protected classes (age, sex, race, religion etc.) or share/make inappropriate jokes. Don’t forget that social sites do not allow you to know your complete audience and you don’t want to say anything to offend anyone.

Quick Tips for Twitter, Facebook, Blogs and LinkedIn
• Share great content & create conversations • Watch your language• Keep automation to a minimum• Promote others more than yourself• Keep the caps lock off• Review before you retweet• If you have an issue with an individual/company, rather than attack, reach out for resolution.
• Send your friend request only once and be respectful if it’s not accepted • Choose photos that represent you well • Use status updates to invite conversation• Tag photos judiciously • Keep private subject matter off the public wall.
Blogs / Forums
• Be a part of the community• Leave thoughtful comments• Don’t use comments to self-promote• Welcome differing opinions• Help promote tolerance • Don’t have music or videos that start automatically • Pop-ups are pesky• Be transparent.
• Connect only with people you know• Use email for connecting and communication not just promotion• Include how you are connected when sending invites• We all have busy outside lives - stick to regular business hours.

Handling Difficult Situations Gracefully
Handling difficult situations doesn’t have to be difficult. The best way to handle any difficult situation is to be prepared for it. You can do that by creating guidelines for handling issues so that if and when one arises you can follow the steps to successfully resolving it. Use your company handbook as a reference when building your social media handbook as many of the same rules will apply.
For example What if someone in your company fires off a rogue tweet? Don’t worry, we all make mistakes and everyone knows that. Though company policy might be to delete the offending tweet, don’t pretend it didn’t happen. And remember that it might have been shared before you could delete it. So be swift! Explain, apologize and move forward. The longer you go without an explanation the more speculation builds. It doesn’t have to be the end of the world.

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By:- Shivam Singh (A2325312014)
M.B. Srivathsa (A2325312007)
Himanshu Bajetha (A2305412274)

Gursahib Singh (A2325312019)

AeroMobil 3(The Flying Car)

AeroMobil, Beautiful flying car. Beautifully integrated. Transforms in seconds from an automobile to an airplane. Gives you freedom to move. 
AeroMobil is a flying car that perfectly makes use of existing infrastructure created for automobiles and planes, and opens doors to real door-to-door travel. As a car it fits into any standard parking space, uses regular gasoline, and can be used in road traffic just like any other car. As a plane it can use any airport in the world, but can also take off and land using any grass strip or paved surface just a few hundred meters long. 
The current flying car prototype AeroMobil 3.0 incorporates significant improvements and upgrades to the previous pre-prototype AeroMobil 2.5.
It is now finalised and has been in regular flight-testing program in real flight conditions since October 2014. 
The AeroMobil 3.0 is predominantly built from advanced composite material. That includes its body shell, wings, and wheels. It also contains all the main features that are likely to be incorporated into the final product, such as avionics equipment, autopilot and an advanced parachute deployment system. 

AeroMobil 3.0 also implements a number of other advanced technologies, such as a variable angle of attack of the wings that significantly shortens the take-off requirements, and sturdy suspension that enables it to take-off and land even at relatively rough terrain.
To watch video click here:

By:Shivam Singh (A2325312014)

Monday 16 March 2015

The Millionaire Lifestyle (Part 1)

The Millionaire Lifestyle is a weekly newsletter,which will deal in :-


So,This Is The First Part Of This Newsletter.I Hope All Readers Will Like It.

1) Win with class,lose with class ,but always respect your opponent.

2) If you are successful you will win false friends and true enemies.....SUCCEED ANYWAY

3) Dream so big you get uncomfortable telling small minded people.

4) The only people standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling as to why cant achieve it.

5) Find three hobbies you love : one to make you money,one to keep you in shape and other one to be creative.

6) Become an expert in your field,and people will hand over control.

7) You are not rich until you have something that money cant buy.

8) Bridge of success is only build on the pillars of failure.

9) Honesty is the expensive gift don't expect it from the cheap people.

10) Your age doesn't define your maturity,your grades don't define your intellect and rumours don't define who you are.

11) Don't tell people your dreams,show them.

Thank You

Dont Forget To Share Among Your Friends.
Spread The Word..!!!!

Rohit Chaudhary

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Lamborghini AventadorSuperveloce embodies the rule of 50:50

Indeed producers of intriguing autos are looking to expand productivity nowadays, exploring different avenues regarding half and half drivetrains and other temperate advancements. Lamborghini decided to diminish weight on its shows, a period regarded method for expanding effectiveness.

So it runs with the Lamborghini LP 750-4 Superveloce, divulged amid the 2015 Geneva automobile expo. Lamborghini figured out how to shed 50 kilograms (110 pounds) off this version of the Aventador contrasted with the standard release. Yet in the meantime, Lamborghini expanded force yield from the motor. The vast majority would think about that as a win-win.

Maurizio Reggiani, Lamborghini's chief of innovative work, called it the 'tenet of 50:50', which is by all accounts an in-house Lamborghini standard expressing that you ought to dispose of 50 kilograms of weight, yet include 50 pull. Henceforth, the past Aventador model is the LP 700-4, the first number being the drive assignment, the 4 methods all-wheel drive.

Increment force, diminishing weight, and you have enormous execution pick up.

The case divulged at the Geneva car exhibition, didn't look essentially not quite the same as the standard Aventador, expect for a greater back wing and more carbon fiber in proof around the body. Anyhow under the skin, the distinctions duplicate. The LP 750-4 Superveloce is the first V-12 Lamborghini, taking after the littler enginedHuracan, to get a versatile suspension. Lamborghini picked PC controlled dampers utilizing electromagnetic innovation, like what Chevrolet utilizes as a part of the Corvette. It lives up to expectations amazingly well in the Corvette, so ought to make a just as great showing in the Aventador.

That suspension really included weight, so the Lamborghini group needed to work all the harder to achieve the vital 50 kilogram number, as indicated by Reggiani. Carbon fiber components were fitted all through the auto, including on air motion facilitating components. Indeed the calfskin seat spreads were supplanted with Alcantara, a lighter material.

Such a lot of designing put the aggregate weight of the AventadorSuperveloce down to 3,362 pounds, not as low the same number of supercars, yet useful for something the measure of the Aventador.

The 6.5-liter V-12 motor gets tuned to deliver 750 torque and 509 pound-feet of torque. Lamborghini says that it will get from zero to 62 mph in 2.8 seconds, a tenth of a second quicker than the Aventador LP 700-4, and achieve a top velocity of more than 217 mph, in the event that you can discover an air terminal runway to provide for it a go.

It might be somewhat much for your Sunday shopping for food, yet Lamborghini's building exertion must be extolled for pushing the extremes for the sake of extreme effectiveness.

by:- vidharshu ray 

Workplace Etiquette

Work manners is a code that oversees the desires of social conduct in a working environment, in a gathering or a general public. Work manners advises the individual how to carry on when managing circumstances in a workplace however minor the circumstance is. Office behavior specifically applies to colleague cooperation and correspondence with associates. There is no widespread understanding around a standard work decorum which may differ starting with one environment then onto the next.


1. Stand straight, look, turn towards individuals when they are talking, and really grin at individuals.

2. Follow your office clothing standard, maybe dressing a stage over the standard for your office.

3. When meeting somebody surprisingly, make sure to shake hands palm to palm with a tender solidness.

4. Be alarm. Tiredness looks terrible in the work environment.

5. Kindness and graciousness check!

6. Arrive right on time to work every day.


How you treat individuals says a ton in regards to you.

1. Learn names and learn them rapidly. A decent tip for recalling names is to utilize a man's name three times inside your first discussion with them.

2. Don't make esteem judgments on individuals' significance in the work environment.

3. Self-evaluate: Think about how you treat your supervisor(s), companions, and subordinates.

4. What you impart to others about your individual life is your decision, however be watchful. Don't ask others to impart their individual lives to you. This makes numerous individuals uncomfortable in the work space.

5. Respect individuals' close to home space. This may be altogether different than your own.


It's occasionally not what you say, however how you say it that matters!

1. Return telephone calls and messages inside 24 hours - regardless of the fact that just to say that you will give asked for data at a later date.

2. Ask preceding putting somebody on speakerphone.

3. Emails at work ought to be syntactically right and free of spelling lapses. They ought not be dealt with like individual email.

4. When messaging, utilize the subject box, and verify it straightforwardly identifies with what you are composing. This guarantees ease in thinking that it later and a conceivably speedier reaction.

5. Underlining, stressing, bolding, shading, and changing text dimension can make a gentle email message appear to be excessively solid or forceful.


Nature of a meeting obliges some watchful route to keep up your expert picture, whether the gatherings are one-on-one, with a few associates.

1. For a meeting in somebody's office, don't arrive over five minutes right on time, as they may be preparing for your meeting, an alternate meeting later that day, or attempting to accomplish other work. You may make them uncomfortable, and that is not a decent approach to start your meeting.

2. Don't arrive late...ever. In the event that you will be late, attempt to tell somebody so individuals are not lounging around holding up for you.

3. When a meeting runs late and you have to be some place else, dependably be arranged to disclose where you have to be (understanding that the estimation of where you have to be will probably be judged).

4. Do not intrude on individuals. This is a negative behavior pattern to begin and an extreme one to end.


You may spend more waking hours in work spaces than in your home space so:

1. Keep the space proficient and slick with fitting individual touches! Individuals will see the space and think of it as an impression of you.

2. Whether it is a work area or office, regard others' space. Don't simply stroll in; thump or make your vicinity delicately known.

3. Don't expect affirmation of your vicinity is a welcome to take a seat hold up until you are welcome to do as such.

4. Don't interfere with individuals on the telephone, and don't attempt to correspond with them verbally or with communication through signing. You could harm an imperative telephone call.

5. Limit individual calls, particularly on the off chance that you work in a space that fails to possess an entryway.

6. Learn when and where it is suitable to utilize your PDA as a part of your office.

7. Food utilization ought to for the most part be managed. Smells and commotion from sustenance can be diverting to others attempting to work.

by:- Vidharshu Ray, MayankBhasin, Abhishek Singh &Tanmay Jain